Christian Initiation for Adults

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)


The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (Formerly the RCIA) is the process by which those who wish to join the Catholic faith community are welcomed and introduced to the beliefs and practices of the Church. For those not yet baptized, this process leads to the Easter Vigil, when they will receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For those already baptized in another Christian tradition, this is the process by which they can learn about Catholicism, and deepen their connection with the Catholic community, leading to Confirmation and Eucharist in our Church.

This process is also for children who have reached the age of reason (7 years old) who have not been baptized. Children enrolled in Initiation Ministry follow the same journey as adults - learning about the faith, our traditions, and participating in the life of our Church. Children should complete one full year of religious education before enrolling. Children's sessions are held separately from adult sessions.

For adults, we meet for Mass at 11:00 AM and then eat lunch together. Bring your own lunch. Water and coffee provided. Our session continues until 1:45 PM. It includes prayer, breaking open the Sunday Gospel, and presentation of a topic. We have a lot of fun and hope you can join us if you are interested in being Catholic. No obligation - just come and see!

To learn more about Initiation at Saint Mary Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, browse our website or call the office and ask for the Director of Faith Formation. (727) 896-2191, extension 207.

Initiation Ministry Registration Form - download, fill it in and return it to the Director of Faith Formation. 

Can't download the form above? Call the office at 727-896-2191, extension 207. We will help to fill it out for you.