New / Returning Parishioners
Welcome to Saint Mary Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
NEW PARISHIONERS Click here for the Saint Mary Our Lady of Grace registration form
We warmly welcome all new parishioners to our parish family. New members are asked to stop by the Parish Office and pick up a registration packet.
Active Parishioner Status
We receive many requests for parishioners to qualify for active parishioner status for weddings here, or to be godparents or sponsors for the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, and to rightfully enjoy the number of services offered at Saint Mary Our Lady of Grace. Part of that request is to be able to verify that a person is an “active member” of the St. Mary Parish. Because of the nature of our congregation, having so many visitors, it is difficult to know everyone.
An “active member” of this Parish is one who:
• Is properly registered and on the parish rolls
• Faithfully attends Mass on Sunday and Holy Days
• Participates in parish activities when possible
• Uses the parish envelope system or ACT(Automatic Contribution Transfers)
While assessments of an inquirer’s status will be made individually, the above are the main factors that will be considered in making that determination.
No matter what your history or journey, we welcome you back to the Catholic faith. We would be happy to talk with you about your journey back. Perhaps you drifted away. Perhaps you were angered or hurt by a Catholic in the past. Perhaps you are divorced and even remarried. Whatever your story, we welcome you home. There are as many paths back as there are ways that lead us away, so please let us help you find peace and reconciliation.
Returning Catholics Prayer
Dear Lord, may our hearts and minds be nourished by your sustaining love,
May our words and actions be guided by your ever present grace,
That all who seek to know you; encounter you here,
That all who seek to serve you; be welcomed to the vineyard,
That all who seek to love you; know that they are loved.
That all who seek to return to their Catholic faith may be welcomed and received.