Godparent Eligibility
Godparent Requirements
Congratulations! You have been asked to be a godparent. What does this mean?
Being a godparent is not just an honor given to a good friend or relative. Godparents must be practicing Catholics who can support the parents in the challenges of raising the child in the Catholic faith.
Canon 872, 873 and 874 of the Code of Canon Law lists requirements for the valid and lawful sponsorship in Baptism:
- The godparent’s role is, together with the parent, to present the child for the sacrament of Baptism and help him/her to live a life befitting a baptized Catholic Christian.
- Only one male and one female godparent is to be used.
As a Godfather/Godmother, you will be asked to truthfully attest to the following eligibility criteria. If you are not able to meet these criteria, please ask the parents to choose another eligible godparent.
You will be asked to attest to the following.
- That you are at least 16 years of age and mature enough to undertake this responsibility.
- That you have received the three sacraments of initiation, namely, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
- That you know the fundamental truths of the Faith and are a practicing Catholic who goes to Mass on Sunday and Holy Days and receives the sacraments regularly. If you have children, they must have received the sacraments of the Catholic Church and be attending faith formation as Catholics.
- That you are a member of the Catholic Church, canonically free to carry out this office. Catholics publically living in an invalid marriage (not married in a Catholic Church, or the marriage preparation was not done by a priest or deacon) and those who are co-habiting (living together without marriage) are ineligible.
- That you are not the father or mother of the one to be baptized.
Being asked to be a godparent can be a defining moment in your own spiritual journey. If there is any way we can assist you in meeting the above criteria, please let us know. We offer:
- Parent/Godparent preparation classes
- Sacramental Prep if you need to complete your own sacraments of initiation
- Spiritual guidance and the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Reading material to update you on Catholic teachings
- Marriage preparation so that you can have your marriage blessed in the Catholic Church
- Faith Formation for your children, grades K – 8