Faith Formation Presentations

Please click on the links below to view our archive of presentations.

A Look Back at Saint Mary's Before Coronavirus - by Claudia McIvor

Christmas 2020 Children's presentation - by Claudia McIvor

Christmas 2020 RCIA presentation - by Claudia McIvor

The Season of Advent  Children's presentation 2020 - by Claudia McIvor

Baptism - Parent Presentation 2020 - by Claudia McIvor

Discipleship- Following Jesus (RCIA Presentation) - 2020 by Claudia McIvor

What is Church? and Saint Andre Bessette - January 2020 - by Claudia McIvor

Prayer - by Claudia McIvor 

Feasts of Christmas and Advent - by Claudia McIvor

Trinity and Covenant - by Claudia McIvor

Catholic Spiritualities - by Claudia McIvor and guests

Marriage and Annulments - Deacon Michael Menchen and Claudia McIvor 2016

How Advent Was Born - Fr. Joe Hannon, SDB

What I Like Best About Saint Mary's - Family Faith Formation Video 2016

The Patriotic Rosary - a Presentation for Election Year

Pentecost - Claudia McIvor

The Eucharist and Communion of Saints - Claudia McIvor

Care For God's Creation - Claudia McIvor